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I shattered into a million pieces, from that, a Mother was born



Finding your identity as a new Mama can be challenging, you do not have to do it alone! 

You just had a baby, this is the happiest time in your life! You waited 9 long months for this, spent hours decorating the babies nursery, agenized over your registry and turned your life upside down. You bring baby home and are wondering what you got yourself into? You are not alone! 


All of a sudden, your body isn't your own, your time isn't your own,  your schedule....What is a schedule???? Hello 2am, 4am, 5am.  Prior to baby, you were a fierce Women who ruled her own world, and're covered in spit up and don't know what day it is. This new Role as Mama feels daunting, unfamiliar, and lonely. 


These are the hidden parts of Motherhood. So rarely do we confess these struggles. I was a few months post partum when I stated to a friend, "my life before Teddy was better." These were the shattered pieces of my old life I was grieving, I needed to grieve those parts to get to where I am today. Because I've been through this journey, I know how vulnerable these feelings are, I also know how COMMON they are.  They often are not talked about, it's the "shadow" of motherhood. 


Please don't wait to address these feelings, call today for an appointment. I can help you navigate Motherhood in a supportive understanding environment. Psychotherapy will help you integrate all the new pieces of yourself.


You might have Postpartum Depression if...
  • Feelings of anger or irritability 

  • Feeling sad, hopeless, or lost

  • Lack of interest in baby

  • Feeling withdrawn

  • Appetite (cravings for carbs/sugar are common) changes

  • Sleep changes 

  • Feelings of guilt

  • Loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed

  • Crying a lot!

  • Have no energy or motivation 

  • Thoughts of wanting to harm yourself or the baby 


You might have Postpartum Anxiety if...
  • Constant a motor you can't shut off

  • Feelings that something bad is going to happen

  • Racing thoughts

  • Changes in appetite (often having trouble eating)

  • Changes in sleep (often not able to sleep because your mind is going so fast)

  • Physical symptoms like feeling hot, dizzy, heart palpitations, stomach aches, headaches  


You might have Postpartum OCD if...
  • Obsessions, also called intrusive thoughts, which are persistent and repetitive thoughts or images related to the baby. These thoughts are very upsetting in nature. Often they are centered around something bad happening to the baby.

  • Compulsions, or doing a repetitive act as a way of reducing the fears and obsessions. This may include things like cleaning, checking things, or counting. You DO NOT need to have compulsions to have OCD. 

  • A sense of horror about the obessions

  • Fear of being left alone with the baby

  • Hypervigilance in protecting the baby   

  • Moms with Postpartum OCD know that their thoughts are bizarre and are very unlikely to ever act on them. 


You might have Postpartum PTSD if...
  • You experienced real or perceived trauma during delivery or postpartum

  • Intrusive re-experiencing of past traumatic event

  • Flashbacks or nightmares

  • Avoidance of reminders of the event such a thoughts, feelings, people, places, and details of the event

  • increased arousal (irritability, difficulty sleeping, hypervigilance, exaggerated startle response)

  • anxiety and panic attacks

  • feelings a sense of unreality or detachment from your body (Like you are watching the event on a movie screen)


I can help you recover from a Perinatal Mood disorder! 


Treatment consists of providing a safe, judgement free space to share your feelings. We will help you identify your feelings and normalize them...1 in 5-7 Women experience a perinatal mood disorder you are not alone. You will learn how to  Identify and activate  your support system in a way that works for you . Such a common area that is addressed are feelings of guilt. We will look at what  guilt really is and what it is not and how we can work on overcoming guilt. Looking at realistic coping skills and self-care practices will help you set aside some time for yourself. The most empowering part of this journey, is looking at all your new parts of yourself and how they are integrated into your self-identity. We are stronger in the broken places. 








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