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I can't control my destiny
I trust my soul, my only goal
Is just to be
~ Johnathan Larson 

What if instead of feeling controlled by anxiety, you learned how to step back into your life? 

Racing heart, your thoughts are going a mile a minute, the room starts closing, your chest hurts, you're thoughts are lingering on what if...what if...what if..


Everyone feels a certain amount of anxiety. In small manageable doses, anxiety motives us. Its, the reminder to study for that test or to have an important conversation. However, sometimes anxiety takes over and we loose all sense of self-control and power. 


Anxiety stems from some uncertainty about the future and an underestimation of your ability to cope with that uncertainty. There is where therapy is really packs a one two punch with anxiety! I can help you learn to be more in the moment and increase your ability to cope, thereby reducing anxiety. 


Anxiety is a message


Do you find yourself focusing on the "why am I feeling this way," "I shouldn't be feeling this way," or "am I crazy for thinking this?!?" you are not alone! So many of us are asking ourselves the wrong questions. Should we question our feelings? ABSOLUTELY I will teach you meaningful and powerful ways to question feelings. 


Learning to listen 

Anxiety conveys critical information about our beliefs, our needs, and our relationships to people and the world.  I help my clients learn how to listen for the deeper meaning. Through mindfulness and recognizing patters, I will help you bring awareness to these unconscious messages. You will learn to work with the anxiety, bringing freedom and a deeper understanding of yourself. 


 "I can cope with this" 


I know you can cope with this, and psychotherapy will get you back into your life. I can't wait to get started with you!






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